In 2045 BS, Ashad 30, Janta Multiple Campus was established with the aim to provide education to the students in moderate fee structures. In the time, students used to go Dharan or Biratnagar for university education. So, some genuine citizens of Itahari proposed about indispensable requirement of an university courses running institution at Itahari with the contemporary scholars, who used to serve Dharan and Biratnagar campuses. No sooner they came to mutual assignment, they shared the responsibilities in accordance to their approach and efficiency. Consequently, the premise of Janta Madhyamik School, Itahari -1 was finalized as the campus premise, in the condition to run for morning shift.

Primarily , there were 9 lectures, 4 staffs and 134 students in the PCL levels (IA and I Com.) Again in 2048 B.S. Bachelors in Arts was introduced with some popular subjects. So as B.Com. and B.Ed. programs were also register, and continued respectively in 2052 and 2060 B.S. During those years, campus flourished alarmingly in terms of the students and the programs introduced. 2063 BS was the year, JMC started M.Ed. in the subjects: English, Nepali, Curriculum and Evaluation, Health Education, and Education Planning and Management. Again, regarding the demand of the students and community, MBS program was formally run in the following year, 2064 BS. Now, the campus has sound team of 62 teaching staff and 21 non teaching staff to enroll above 2500 students.

In course of time, JMC became successful in erecting large and sophisticated three-storied buildings (42 rooms) for classroom purposes. In addition, we have separate library and administrative buildings, technically adjusted in the campus premise. Furthermore, our multipurpose playing ground and woods occupy the land above 6 bighas, donated by the local people. It is unprecedented achievement for the campus, run under the effort of community. As far the estimation of experts, the campus may utilize the heritage for grand adjustment in future. Behind this achievement JMC is heartily indebted to Tribhuwan University, University Grant Commission, Higher Secondary Education Board, Sunsari DDC, Itahari Sub-Metropolitan City, Land Donors, Campus Management Committees, Administrators, Professors, Lecturers, Staff Members, Local Communities, Other Donors and Students etc.

In the present era JMC foresees to meet the threat of modern means of education systems by which the campus can contribute to address changing needs of time. Here, novel curriculum and courses, modernized library, research oriented teaching-learning methodology, training and energizing programs to lecturers and staff as well as skill oriented professional courses are to be introduced further to strengthen JMC ahead. Our observations and dedication, in the decades, have moduled us to the dream package for leading the time in co-operation and co-existence. Beholding the generations onwards, JMC has proposed for QAA to attain further excellence in all the sectors of campus, from the infrastructures to the human resource we produce, and to hanover the results to the society. We hope good to happen for the consequence of the best results.