Format for Research Article
- The paper title and preliminary requirements
- Title: It should be printed in non-italic bold letter capitalizing initials of content words in the case of the use of Roman script. It should not exceed 12 words.
- Name of the author and the title
- A brief professional course career of the author (in a table at the bottom of the first page), e.g.
- Abstract: This section should have word ranges from 150 to 250 words in non-italic form with no indentation. The authors are required to include key objectives, methodology, results/findings, interpretation and implications of the research in precise form.
- Keywords: The keywords line should begin indented like a paragraph under the abstract. Keywords should be italicized, followed by a space. The words themselves should not be italicized. They should not be more than 6 words.
- Page number at the top of the right-hand margin
- Body of the Article
The body of the article should be organized into the following sub-headings:
- Introduction: It should establish context, concept, problems, objectives and significance of the research, incorporating conceptual and theoretical underpinnings. The authors are required to enrich the concept reviewing past and current literatures.
- Methodology: This section of the paper answers two main questions- how were the data generated? And how were they analyzed?
- Results/ Findings: The author requires presenting the data in tabular, graphic, verbal or textual forms concisely. A major purpose of this section is to break down the data into sentences that show its significance to the research question(s). The authors can create subheadings as per the requirements of the paper.
- Discussion: It discusses and interprets the significance of the results/ findings. This section explains new understanding or fresh insights in light of what was already known about the research problem investigated. The authors can create subheadings as per the requirements of the paper.
- Implications and Conclusion: This section includes the learning from the results (reflections), implications, and shortcomings of the study on what the paper is based.
- References: List the sources referred to in the writing applying current APA format.
- Supplementary section (Optional)
Appendix/ices include the large data used in the research, research tools- such as questionnaires, interview schedule/ guidelines, check list, maps or images.
- Typing
The authors are requested to use ‘Times New Roman/Preeti’ font type, 14/18 letter size for the title and 12/16 for the running text with black colour. Writing should be printed one side of the paper with 1.5 line spacing, applying align left to the text and centre for the title having indentation by 0.5 inches.
- Editing
Editorial board manages the editorial process on the basis of guideline.
- Citation and referencing
Article writing format should follow the APA (current edition) styles of citation and references.